Meet MCCI’s research team, Dr. Gerardo M. Salgado, Senior Researcher, Dr. Daniel O’Hare, Principal Investigator, Dr. Vishal Jagtap, Head of Group and John Morrissey Centre Director MCCI at ISSCC 2024 in San Francisco, Calif. USA.

The International Solid-State Circuits Conference  (ISSCC) is the premier global platform for showcasing advancements in solid-state circuits and systems-on-a-chip. It provides an unparalleled opportunity for engineers involved in cutting-edge IC design and application to stay abreast of the latest technical developments and to connect with top-tier experts in the field.

Ahead of the conference, we would like to profile Dr. Gerardo M. Salgado who is a Senior Researcher with MCCI where he leads the Cryo-CMOS research strategy and lends his expertise to the Precision Data Converters research at MCCI.His research interests encompass Cryogenic CMOS circuits, Noise Shaping SAR ADCs, Low-power SAR ADCs, Sigma-Delta Modulators, Digital filters, the development of CAD tools for ADC design, and CMOS circuits tailored for biomedical applications. Gerardo’s team has grown in the past 18 months to advancing multiple research roadmaps.

“I am delighted to have brought together a highly skilled research team capable of propelling us forward and ensuring success in the fields of cryogenic Cryo-CMOS, Data Converters and ICs for biomedical applications research. These areas hold increasing significance for our industry partners, and our team is well-prepared to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I’m confident that our collective efforts will lead to significant advancements in our research capabilities, fostering overall growth and innovation”, Gerardo explained.

Gerardo pictured above with his MCCI team at Tyndall National Institute,  Cork, Ireland

From L to R, José Arce ,Mauricio Montanares, Victor Arzate, David Rivera, Dr. Gerardo Salgado, Chinnu Lizbabu, Ravi Ranjan, Minda Wen and Shaleen Shaleen

If you are attending the conference please join MCCI and IDA Ireland for a casual networking event in The Black Hammer Brewing Company, 544 Byrant Street, San Francisco Calif. USA. on Wednesday, 21st Feb from 5.30 to 7.30pm.

MCCI is Ireland’s National Technology Centre for Microelectronics Research and is hosted at the Tyndall National Institute, Cork Ireland.